As Caribbean economies undergo rapid evolution to adapt to the changing needs of modern societies, regional businesses – large and small – face the challenge of revolutionising their operations to meet and surpass customer expectations and enhance their competitive edge.

Enter Xentric 360, the Caribbean’s authorised Salesforce reseller

Salesforce is the world’s #1 cloud-based Customer Relationship Management (CRM) software provider that makes it easier for companies to secure deals, create meaningful customer engagement, boost collaboration across internal teams, drive sales and more. As a trusted Salesforce partner, Xentric 360 can help companies integrate this game changing software, and its pioneering tools, into its operations.

The cloud advantageThe Cloud Advantage

In business, data is king. Salesforce gathers a company’s data and creates a comprehensive, shared, 360-degree view of each customer. This invaluable insight is not limited to a single department; it is accessible across a company’s network, empowering teams with insights to better design effective strategies. This data can be accessed anytime and anywhere. Salesforce has created a comprehensive suite of products that can put trusted AI capabilities to work across a company’s entire network, gathering data, generating insights, empowering teams and enhancing commercial activities.

Sales Cloud

Salesforce’s Sales Cloud empowers sales teams by putting the power of real-time data into their hands. Teams can access sales data to make smarter selling decisions. They can use sales analytics to improve forecasting accuracy. Team leaders can even use sales performance management tools to design their team structures, set realistic sales targets and incentivize their team members. With the Sales Cloud your sales teams will be empowered to sell faster, smarter and more efficiently.

Service Cloud

With Salesforce’s Service Cloud powering a company’s service delivery strategies, improved customer satisfaction is highly attainable. With it, companies can deliver enhanced personalised support to customers, while simultaneously decreasing costs and increasing productivity. The Service Cloud can power self-service solutions and knowledge bases. With this tool, businesses can create omnichannel customer engagement and even personalised conversational experiences that customers will love. With the support of the Service Cloud, Salesforce customers have seen a 32% increase in customer satisfaction, customer effort or NPS score.

Companies using Salesforce’s Marketing Cloud, the #1 Marketing platform, can create smart, effective marketing campaigns.Marketing Cloud

Companies using Salesforce’s Marketing Cloud, the #1 Marketing platform, can create smart, effective marketing campaigns. Businesses can better design automated, personalised offers for individual customers, accurately measure the impact and success of marketing activities, and increase conversion through the use of consistent omnichannel engagement. The Marketing Cloud presents a particularly transformative opportunity for small businesses which typically operate with tighter marketing budgets. By leveraging the rich data, actionable insights and robust analytics generated by the Marketing Cloud, small businesses can optimise their marketing spend.

Commerce Cloud

Does your business require ecommerce software? Do you want to develop a digital storefront? Salesforce’s Commerce Cloud allows you to do it all. It provides a seamless, integrated approach to commerce across all channels, whether in store or online. With the Commerce Cloud, businesses can improve order management for more transparent, efficient deliveries; use conversational AI to elevate online shopping experiences; and increase revenue by building digital commerce opportunities throughout the customer journey.

There are many other clouds in the Salesforce suite of products which can help to revolutionise regional businesses, whether they are small enterprises or large conglomerates. Xentric 360 is the Caribbean’s authorised Salesforce reseller and a trusted partner for businesses seeking to harness the power of this renowned cloud-based platform.

For more information about Salesforce products and pricing, contact us. Our specialists are here to help you unlock scalable, cost-effective solutions that can drive innovation and growth, and a greater competitive advantage.